Saturday, June 16, 2012

Live . . . in 4D

If Physics has given us anything worth appropriating, it's the notion of time as a 4th Dimension. That a) there is such a thing as a "Space-Time Continuum", and b) we are all in it, all the time. Or not so much "there is such a thing as" . . . more like "one can if one chooses believe in such a thing as". Fortunately, that's almost as good.

Think about 3 dimensions. Look around you. There's probably stuff. Some of it's higher, lower, closer, farther, lefter, righter than other stuff. But it's all right there.

Why should a 4th dimension be any different? Think of memories . . . past events . . . Things That Happened. Guess what? They're right there! Sure, maybe they're separated by a little bit of distance in one dimension, which happens to be time. Who cares? They're still right there. Isn't being sad about that, a little like being sad at a picture, because it's a few feet higher or lower than another picture?

And this isn't limited to the past. Think of future events! Sure, they haven't happened yet. Who cares? They're still right here. They're just separated a little by a dimension. Why be sad?

Of course there are differences. Things that are separated from here and now, by time, cannot be physically manipulated. Things that happened in the past cannot be altered. Things that happened in the future, might not have happened as we thought they did.

Who cares. Because there's this . . .

Everything you have loved, and everything you will love, is all around you. Always. In 4D.

Not bad, huh?